

Consciousness is beyond space and time. For some reason, the mind thinks it is an entity existing within space and time. It then proceeds to understand consciousness as a limited entity also, that consciousness exits within a body, and that body exists within space and time, between the past and future, among a universe of locatable objects. This is a dream. The dream seems very real, so this experience of space and time is taken very seriously. For the mind, space and time might be reality. Such is not the case.


Awareness is like space. It judges not what is right or wrong, but simply contains all that exists. It is an intimacy that has no boundary. It knows no hurt, harbors no enemy, and words seem to fail at describing its utter simplicity. It is the very substance of peace.

Fighting is the nature of the mind. It resists reality. It builds walls and defense mechanisms to protect itself. Its judgments are the walls. It is surrounded by the good and bad, right and wrong, and therefore the simplicity of truth, which is non-dual, cannot be perceived. Awareness is the doorway through which the mind could glimpse at non-duality.