Love is union

Of union we seek. It is symbolized in marriage, in Yoga, in religious texts, or in our mundane pursuit of satisfaction. After all, what we are seeking is the ending of separation, the ending of a gnawing sense of not enough. So we seek to acquire more, and thinking that the more we have, the more we feel enough. Yet it is never the case. Fear of losing comes. There is worry of losing that which we hold dear, so we build mechanisms, boundaries, contracts, moralities to forbid loss. But loss is the constant law. It happens every minute of our existence. Time itself is a testament to loss. We do not meet loss with love. We meet it with hatred, with regret, with anger and sorrow. We cry and shout because we do not want to lose. Yet at the end of it there is always loss. It is the one finality. It is the same as death. And if we meet loss with love, which means to meet it with an open heart, without the mind defending or justifying anything, then loss is totally transformed, as in the eyes of love, loss does not exist. Hence, the timelessness of love. Union is the disappearing of that distance of time. There was never two. There is only one.

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Cover photo by Aman Upadhyay on Unsplash